teresa's world of warcraft story
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"Special forces teams are small teams of soldiers that are all trained in different skills."One of our readers Kzargroth from the Laughing Skull server sent in the following notes and tactics: I've been reading tactics about grinding with priest. This allows them, as a team to successfully handle a very wide range of problems.I have 55 shadow priest at the moment and i haven't seen any mana efficient tactic on your guide. In warcraft, particularly on the battlefields like Arathi Basin or Warsong Gulch the pitch of battle is very feverish and people are fighting in a haphazard manner.Using the ""best tactic"" at the site you could kill 4-5 mobs at your own level before mana break. You can significantly increase your chances of success if you just team up with one person with an opposite skill set.I have grinded 2h (about 50-100 mobs at least) straight without any breaks, this far my exp/hour rate max is 47k exp / h in rested state. If you are a magic user type you should look for a warrior or rogue type and follow him around and conversely, if you are a hack and slash, toe-to-toe damage type you should find a magic user type to befriend or just follow around.So this is my tactic: Go full shadow spec with shadow form, use the rest of the points to Disc, and remember to take 5/5 to wand damage. Having two very different skill sets focused on an opponent brings an incredible array of weapons to bear that nobody few players can overcome. The title of the game “Warcraft” says it all and it is only natural that some of the best combat techniques used by the military translate well into the game.I really don't use Pw:F or Innerfire at all, waste of mana as you will see.
With a little know how and a little practice you can apply these techniques and dramatically improve your pvp performance. The author has blurred the line between reality and Warcraft by building a virtual reality chamber in his living room where he plays warcraft after work.I'll be in shadowform. You can see this Warcraft pod and his other projects at: " "By Will Kalif - Warcraft is a game of Player versus Player (PvP) action.I start my fights with pw:s, then pull with mind blast. It is all about war and real military tactics translate well into the game.Continue with sw:p and mind flay. Here are some real tactics that you can use to improve your pvp in the game. All for One and One for All This is a tactic that was made famous by the British Navy in the 19th century.When mind flay end i'll just wand the mob to death. Up until that time when two fleets of ships engaged in combat each ship would find an enemy to pair up against.In this way you'll cast all your spell in the beginning so your mana regens the rest of the fight. But this concept says that all the ships in the British fleet should simultaneously attack one enemy ship and sink it real fast.With Spirit Tap 5/5 you'll get your mana regen up after fight. This tactic is perfect for Warcraft.Pw:s last until the mobs are dead even if you're fighting mobs 2-3 levels above you. If you are in a group of players and you encounter an enemy group you should call out one enemy and then all attack him at the same time.Wait 5-6 secs (or use it while running towards next mob) and start again. level wow In a matter of five seconds the chosen enemy is gone and now your party of five is facing a party of four.In this way I have been grinding 2h straight without mana breaks. Raid Tank Healing Technique - If you are lucky (or unlucky) enough to be the main tank raid healer there are several tactics that you should focus on.
You have a distinct advantage.All are very simple, but require you to take a step back and think about them every once in a while as a reminder. You should all focus on the next foe and take him out.They come down to several main points. First, always remember that the Tank is your primary priority, without the tank, the raid wipes. wow lvl Using a tactic like this can make your group practically unstoppable. Tommy Drills This is a common term for performing the same actions over and over again.This is sometimes hard to remember as you see another players life spiraling down. It was commonly used for learning how to load, fire, clear and reload a weapon.It's easy to want to toss them a heal. The purpose of repeating the drill many many times was to make it second nature.DON'T. wowgold This way, when you are in combat you don’t have to think about it at all –it comes automatically.As a general rule, if your the MT healer, then that is the only player you should be healing (there are exceptions, but learn them over time). You should do this with your warcraft skills. While MT healing, there will be spikes in damage no matter how well geared the tank is. Set up your tool bar with your best weapons and defenses and then in the arena, in challenges, and in real pvp you practice the same set of button combinations.You should do everything you can to smooth these out and to be ready for them. runescape money Doing this over and over will make it automatic and you practically unstoppable. " .To smooth them out you should try to keep both prayer of mending and your Heal over Times (HoT's) on the MT as often as possible. This allows you lessen the regular damage coming in and worry more about the spikes as they occur.



"By Will Kalif - Warcraft is a game of Player versus Player (PvP) action."One of our readers Kzargroth from the Laughing Skull server sent in the following notes and tactics: I've been reading tactics about grinding with priest. It is all about war and real military tactics translate well into the game.I have 55 shadow priest at the moment and i haven't seen any mana efficient tactic on your guide. Here are some real tactics that you can use to improve your pvp in the game. All for One and One for All This is a tactic that was made famous by the British Navy in the 19th century.Using the ""best tactic"" at the site you could kill 4-5 mobs at your own level before mana break. Up until that time when two fleets of ships engaged in combat each ship would find an enemy to pair up against.I have grinded 2h (about 50-100 mobs at least) straight without any breaks, this far my exp/hour rate max is 47k exp / h in rested state. But this concept says that all the ships in the British fleet should simultaneously attack one enemy ship and sink it real fast.So this is my tactic: Go full shadow spec with shadow form, use the rest of the points to Disc, and remember to take 5/5 to wand damage. This tactic is perfect for Warcraft.I really don't use Pw:F or Innerfire at all, waste of mana as you will see. If you are in a group of players and you encounter an enemy group you should call out one enemy and then all attack him at the same time.I'll be in shadowform. In a matter of five seconds the chosen enemy is gone and now your party of five is facing a party of four.I start my fights with pw:s, then pull with mind blast.
You have a distinct advantage.Continue with sw:p and mind flay. You should all focus on the next foe and take him out.When mind flay end i'll just wand the mob to death. Using a tactic like this can make your group practically unstoppable. Tommy Drills This is a common term for performing the same actions over and over again.In this way you'll cast all your spell in the beginning so your mana regens the rest of the fight. It was commonly used for learning how to load, fire, clear and reload a weapon.With Spirit Tap 5/5 you'll get your mana regen up after fight. The purpose of repeating the drill many many times was to make it second nature.Pw:s last until the mobs are dead even if you're fighting mobs 2-3 levels above you. This way, when you are in combat you don’t have to think about it at all –it comes automatically.Wait 5-6 secs (or use it while running towards next mob) and start again. world of warcraft powerleveling You should do this with your warcraft skills.In this way I have been grinding 2h straight without mana breaks. Raid Tank Healing Technique - If you are lucky (or unlucky) enough to be the main tank raid healer there are several tactics that you should focus on. Set up your tool bar with your best weapons and defenses and then in the arena, in challenges, and in real pvp you practice the same set of button combinations.All are very simple, but require you to take a step back and think about them every once in a while as a reminder. Doing this over and over will make it automatic and you practically unstoppable. " .They come down to several main points. First, always remember that the Tank is your primary priority, without the tank, the raid wipes.
wow powerlevel This is sometimes hard to remember as you see another players life spiraling down. It's easy to want to toss them a heal. DON'T. world of warcraft power leveling As a general rule, if your the MT healer, then that is the only player you should be healing (there are exceptions, but learn them over time). While MT healing, there will be spikes in damage no matter how well geared the tank is. You should do everything you can to smooth these out and to be ready for them. eq2 platinum To smooth them out you should try to keep both prayer of mending and your Heal over Times (HoT's) on the MT as often as possible. This allows you lessen the regular damage coming in and worry more about the spikes as they occur. To be ready for the spikes I strongly suggest getting used to canceling heal spells. wowgold Always keep a heal spell casting, but keep an eye on the MT's health bar. If while casting just before it finishes the MT is still at a very high health, then cancel the heal. No mana spent means no 5 second mana regen rule, and just start the cast again. Doing this allows you to always be ready with a big heal when needed, without having to react to the damage. While doing this watch the HoT's and refresh them in-between the heal casts. " .



"Hotlunch of Thunderlord has a bit of a problem - It seems she was out on the prowl recently, and found herself an AFK Warlock. "This week, The Care and Feeding of Warriors talks about Expertise. However, despite the fact that she jumped out of hiding and wailed away at the poor Warlock, the Warlock's faithful Felguard came to his aid and killed her first.There's going to be a lot of math talk. To Hotlunch's credit, she didn't immediately chalk up the blame to overpowered Warlocks but, probably rightly, to her gear.It will probably have an error or two in it. It's pretty true that poorly geared Rogues aren't much trouble to your well geared Warlock.Mr. As long as you have the hp and armor to last through their barrage of stuns to get off a fear and trinket out of Crippling Poison, then kite them around while they burn through Cloak of Shadows and Cheat Death, they're pretty easy.Rossi needs to get some int gear for writing these columns. It's when you get the well geared rogues with tons of armor penetration and resilience that you start feeling the sting of those blades.Expertise is useful for tanking and melee DPSing, so it seemed time to discuss it. Of course, some people in the thread rightfully pointed out that she should start looking at Opportunist's Battlegear for a quick leg up on PvP gear - it seems like her situation is exactly what it was implemented to help out with, and might have helped out a bit with the Felguard.Also, I've recently realized I can't actually hit the 'expertise cap' as a tank with the gear I can get. Good luck to Hotlunch on getting geared up.Sad but true. We live in interesting times since patch 2.3 here in warrior land. With a little more preparation, I'm sure the next AFK Warlock won't be so lucky.Whereas previous to this patch, we had good old fashioned bonuses to our weapon skill (remember the old Edgemaster's Handguards.
But thinking about the situation, I think it's also a good counter to those people who get caught in complaining about ""welfare epics"" and all that. " . Admit it, you wore these at 60. Some of you wore them at 70. You don't have to lie to us, we know.) we now live in the magical world of expertise rating and expertise. What is expertise, and what isn't it. Well, for starters, expertise is not chance to hit. world of warcraft powerleveling Expertise can help you hit more often in an indirect manner... it reduces the chance for a mob to dodge or parry your attacks. so technically yes you'll be hitting them more often. wow powerlevel But + hit items directly reduce the chance an attack will miss, which in World of Warcraft is entirely different from a dodge or parry (just ask any warrior trying to hit the Overpower button). Furthermore, expertise is not weapon skill. The expertise system replaced bonuses to weapon skill on items, but it did not actually replace weapon skill: weapon skill up to 350 (at level 70) still exists. world of warcraft power leveling Expertise is just (just, he says) a direct reduction of your chance to have your attacks dodged or parried. Unlike the old days with weapon skill bonuses, as far as I know there's no relationship between expertise and glancing blows. (If anyone out there has information that contradicts me here, please share it.) So if expertise isn't going to raise your chance to hit, why am I so excited about it. eq2 platinum ""Focus is a powerful tool built into the default UI that I just don't use nearly as much as I should. With '/focus"" (and a number of key bindings), you can set up a ""focused"" target that, with one keypress or macro, you can snap back to and cast whatever needs to be casst.
Resto4Life has been putting together a great series on Focus and how to use it: They've hit on hibernating, healing with focus, and now using your focus' target to deal out debuffs. The situation is that you're in a raid and you're healing -- you have a little extra mana and you want to use it to throw debuffs on the main tank's target, but you don't want to miss a second of watching the main tank's bar. wowgold Using macros, you can actually cast spells on your focus' target (in this case, your focus would be the MT) without ever changing targets -- just set up a macro to cast the spell, put the button on your bar, and rather than ever having to switch targets, you can just run a macro.



"We had some hints that this would happen soon and now WoW Insider has confirmed through anonymous sources that the next expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, is in closed alpha status, and that various players are being invited to check it out, under a strict NDA. Alpha is part of the software release life cycle -- a software product in development goes from alpha status to beta status (sometimes including a ""closed beta,"" where a limited few are invited to preview and test the software, and an ""open beta,"", where anyone can download and try out the beta), to ""release candidates"" and then ""gold"" (the final version, used to print the media to be available for sale). "This week, The Care and Feeding of Warriors talks about Expertise. This doesn't tell us anything about the timing of the expansion's release (especially since Blizzard historically takes their time going through this cycle), but it does tell us that Wrath's content is in a playable and mostly completed form -- quests, game mechanics, and items are in, even if specific flavor text, names, and even textures are not. We'll keep an eye, as usual, on any other news we see coming out of Blizzard, through official or unofficial channels.There's going to be a lot of math talk. Wrath of the Lich King, the second expansion of World of Warcraft, is in alpha testing.It will probably have an error or two in it. The journey to Northrend has begun.Mr. Update: A word to the wise: this is not an open beta, and any email or site that tells you to sign up for one is still scamming you.Rossi needs to get some int gear for writing these columns. When open beta comes down, we'll hear about it on Blizzard's official site.Expertise is useful for tanking and melee DPSing, so it seemed time to discuss it.
This is just news that the next expansion has moved up a notch in its development, and that we're one step closer to an official open beta. " "This week, The Care and Feeding of Warriors talks about Expertise.Also, I've recently realized I can't actually hit the 'expertise cap' as a tank with the gear I can get. There's going to be a lot of math talk.Sad but true. We live in interesting times since patch 2.3 here in warrior land. It will probably have an error or two in it.Whereas previous to this patch, we had good old fashioned bonuses to our weapon skill (remember the old Edgemaster's Handguards. Mr. Admit it, you wore these at 60. Rossi needs to get some int gear for writing these columns.Some of you wore them at 70. Expertise is useful for tanking and melee DPSing, so it seemed time to discuss it.You don't have to lie to us, we know.) we now live in the magical world of expertise rating and expertise. Also, I've recently realized I can't actually hit the 'expertise cap' as a tank with the gear I can get.What is expertise, and what isn't it. Sad but true. We live in interesting times since patch 2.3 here in warrior land. Well, for starters, expertise is not chance to hit. world of warcraft power leveling Whereas previous to this patch, we had good old fashioned bonuses to our weapon skill (remember the old Edgemaster's Handguards.Expertise can help you hit more often in an indirect manner... Admit it, you wore these at 60.it reduces the chance for a mob to dodge or parry your attacks. Some of you wore them at 70.so technically yes you'll be hitting them more often. wow powerleveling You don't have to lie to us, we know.) we now live in the magical world of expertise rating and expertise.But + hit items directly reduce the chance an attack will miss, which in World of Warcraft is entirely different from a dodge or parry (just ask any warrior trying to hit the Overpower button).
What is expertise, and what isn't it.Furthermore, expertise is not weapon skill. Well, for starters, expertise is not chance to hit.The expertise system replaced bonuses to weapon skill on items, but it did not actually replace weapon skill: weapon skill up to 350 (at level 70) still exists. wow powerlevel Expertise can help you hit more often in an indirect manner...Expertise is just (just, he says) a direct reduction of your chance to have your attacks dodged or parried. it reduces the chance for a mob to dodge or parry your attacks.Unlike the old days with weapon skill bonuses, as far as I know there's no relationship between expertise and glancing blows. so technically yes you'll be hitting them more often.(If anyone out there has information that contradicts me here, please share it.) So if expertise isn't going to raise your chance to hit, why am I so excited about it. wow gold But + hit items directly reduce the chance an attack will miss, which in World of Warcraft is entirely different from a dodge or parry (just ask any warrior trying to hit the Overpower button).""Focus is a powerful tool built into the default UI that I just don't use nearly as much as I should. Furthermore, expertise is not weapon skill.With '/focus"" (and a number of key bindings), you can set up a ""focused"" target that, with one keypress or macro, you can snap back to and cast whatever needs to be casst. The expertise system replaced bonuses to weapon skill on items, but it did not actually replace weapon skill: weapon skill up to 350 (at level 70) still exists.Resto4Life has been putting together a great series on Focus and how to use it: They've hit on hibernating, healing with focus, and now using your focus' target to deal out debuffs. The situation is that you're in a raid and you're healing -- you have a little extra mana and you want to use it to throw debuffs on the main tank's target, but you don't want to miss a second of watching the main tank's bar. serveur wow Expertise is just (just, he says) a direct reduction of your chance to have your attacks dodged or parried.Using macros, you can actually cast spells on your focus' target (in this case, your focus would be the MT) without ever changing targets -- just set up a macro to cast the spell, put the button on your bar, and rather than ever having to switch targets, you can just run a macro.



"A new server was released earlier this week, and life on Cairne is fresh and unknown. It is amazing not to see any level 70's running around. When most of the population is below level 20, it is really odd actually having to find groups for Dead Mines instead of just having a 70 friend run you through. As I said on the WoW Insider Show last week, I do have a little green hunter who's 70 and plays in groups with my friends often enough. She's not very powerful, and probably never will be. My warrior and warlock take up most of my end game time, and that's okay. wow eu So in hopes that I might convince myself to play a hunter more, I've decided to roll yet another alt on the new server and see where things take me. I really enjoy classes that have pets, so I made another hunter. She's now level 17 after a few hours of play. One of the first choices I had to make was what kind of pet to get. wow euro I used Petopia to browse some of my options, and to make sure that my preconceived notion of a bear was the right answer. It was. With my other hunter, I leveled from 10 to 70 using a cat. wow power leveling Nothing wrong with that, he just wasn't as good at tanking as my bear is turning out to be. As I play a prot warrior for my main, I find that having a suitable tank for most situations really makes the game easier. This might just be my play style. So my bear and I are trekking along through the content right now, enjoying the old sights again, and meeting some new people. " "One of the extraordinary things about World of Warcraft is that, despite not having the most advanced graphics engine of any current MMO, most gamers who played the beta were simply blown away by the game's art.
wow powerleveling This wasn't because of any technical brilliance, but rather a testament to the skill and vision of Blizzard's art department. Every place on WoW's world of Azeroth feels (for the lack of a better word) crafted, as though every step you take is through a real, solid world shaped by the forces of nature, time, history, and of course, millennia of war. Whether you're traveling through the burning range of Blackrock Spire or the twisted halls of the Scarlet Monastery, there's always a sense of weight, of culture, of a world that's more than just a stage for combat, questing, and looting. wow power level It was with that in mind that we asked Blizzard to provide us with some concept art and in-game images of five of the game's most fascinating regions. We also asked for a general overview of the area in question and then sat down to briefly discuss putting the world together. Read on to enjoy the art and get a sneak peek of some of the regions you'll be exploring in the World of Warcraft! " .



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