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"Hotlunch of Thunderlord has a bit of a problem - It seems she was out on the prowl recently, and found herself an AFK Warlock. "This week, The Care and Feeding of Warriors talks about Expertise. However, despite the fact that she jumped out of hiding and wailed away at the poor Warlock, the Warlock's faithful Felguard came to his aid and killed her first.There's going to be a lot of math talk. To Hotlunch's credit, she didn't immediately chalk up the blame to overpowered Warlocks but, probably rightly, to her gear.It will probably have an error or two in it. It's pretty true that poorly geared Rogues aren't much trouble to your well geared Warlock.Mr. As long as you have the hp and armor to last through their barrage of stuns to get off a fear and trinket out of Crippling Poison, then kite them around while they burn through Cloak of Shadows and Cheat Death, they're pretty easy.Rossi needs to get some int gear for writing these columns. It's when you get the well geared rogues with tons of armor penetration and resilience that you start feeling the sting of those blades.Expertise is useful for tanking and melee DPSing, so it seemed time to discuss it. Of course, some people in the thread rightfully pointed out that she should start looking at Opportunist's Battlegear for a quick leg up on PvP gear - it seems like her situation is exactly what it was implemented to help out with, and might have helped out a bit with the Felguard.Also, I've recently realized I can't actually hit the 'expertise cap' as a tank with the gear I can get. Good luck to Hotlunch on getting geared up.Sad but true. We live in interesting times since patch 2.3 here in warrior land. With a little more preparation, I'm sure the next AFK Warlock won't be so lucky.Whereas previous to this patch, we had good old fashioned bonuses to our weapon skill (remember the old Edgemaster's Handguards.
But thinking about the situation, I think it's also a good counter to those people who get caught in complaining about ""welfare epics"" and all that. " . Admit it, you wore these at 60. Some of you wore them at 70. You don't have to lie to us, we know.) we now live in the magical world of expertise rating and expertise. What is expertise, and what isn't it. Well, for starters, expertise is not chance to hit. world of warcraft powerleveling Expertise can help you hit more often in an indirect manner... it reduces the chance for a mob to dodge or parry your attacks. so technically yes you'll be hitting them more often. wow powerlevel But + hit items directly reduce the chance an attack will miss, which in World of Warcraft is entirely different from a dodge or parry (just ask any warrior trying to hit the Overpower button). Furthermore, expertise is not weapon skill. The expertise system replaced bonuses to weapon skill on items, but it did not actually replace weapon skill: weapon skill up to 350 (at level 70) still exists. world of warcraft power leveling Expertise is just (just, he says) a direct reduction of your chance to have your attacks dodged or parried. Unlike the old days with weapon skill bonuses, as far as I know there's no relationship between expertise and glancing blows. (If anyone out there has information that contradicts me here, please share it.) So if expertise isn't going to raise your chance to hit, why am I so excited about it. eq2 platinum ""Focus is a powerful tool built into the default UI that I just don't use nearly as much as I should. With '/focus"" (and a number of key bindings), you can set up a ""focused"" target that, with one keypress or macro, you can snap back to and cast whatever needs to be casst.
Resto4Life has been putting together a great series on Focus and how to use it: They've hit on hibernating, healing with focus, and now using your focus' target to deal out debuffs. The situation is that you're in a raid and you're healing -- you have a little extra mana and you want to use it to throw debuffs on the main tank's target, but you don't want to miss a second of watching the main tank's bar. wowgold Using macros, you can actually cast spells on your focus' target (in this case, your focus would be the MT) without ever changing targets -- just set up a macro to cast the spell, put the button on your bar, and rather than ever having to switch targets, you can just run a macro.





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