teresa's world of warcraft story
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"The idea of being able to customize your character's look and feel beyond choosing one of 4 or 5 basic face and hairstyle choices at character creation or upgrading to a new piece of loot is one that's near and dear to me. I'm an RPer, so I like to think of each of my characters as a unique person with unique quirks, ideas, and fashion sense that I can't always express as I'd like to due to the limitations of WoW's mechanics. I've even had some very good friends quit WoW because their characters weren't customizable enough. The idea came to the front of my mind a few weeks back when I was visiting my brother. We played EverQuest together, but when it came time to move on from that game, he (and most of our EQ guild) chose Everquest 2, and I chose WoW. wow eu So, of course, he ribs me about it quite often, and since I was visiting, he decided to load up EQ2 and show me what I was ""missing."" Now to be honest, I'm still a bigger fan of WoW, but that's a subject for a different article. One thing I will say for EQ2 is that I was very impressed with the wider range of options to customize your character and show off your character's accomplishments. There's a few ideas related to character customization from EQ2 and other games that I'd really like Blizzard to continue emulating in future patches and in the WoTLK expansion that I believe would deepen the game experience for me and my friends, and for many other players as well. " "Now WoW has titles, but it really doesn't have much on EQ2 in that arena. My brother has at least 10 various titles available to him, and he's a relatively casual player.
wow euro In EQ2, there's titles for having good reputation with various factions. There's titles for killing a massive amount of certain enemy types. There's titles for your rank in an established guild. There's titles for completing certain quest lines or collecting rare items. In WoW we seem to have fallen behind, title-wise. wow power leveling There's at least some effort lately to fit in some a few titles, but non-raiders and non-PvPers deserve some love too. We can wear tabards to show our loyalty to certain factions, but it would be nice if factions got titles too. There is the Shattered Sun Offensive title coming on us quickly, hopefully we start seeing titles like that more as WoTLK comes out. I'd love to have a ""Of the Cenarion Expedition"" title for my Druid. How about a quest that ends in letting my Warlock be known as ""The Enchanter"" for his pursuit of the Enchanting profession. wow powerleveling Being able to display a title that signifies our interests, achievements, or factional loyalties at all levels of the game would be a way for each person to feel a sense of investment in their character and in the game world in a big way. 2.4 has started the baby steps down the path, but here's hoping the team expands this coming into WoTLK. The other nice thing about EQ2 (And EQ before it) is that it lets you pick a custom last name at a certain level. Sure, you can do that via addons currently, but only other people with the addon can see it, and the addons in question are generally memory hogs and don't play nice with other tooltip addons. A nice integrated last name that would show up by default to everyone would be a simple and sweet way to make your character stand out.
wow power level Yes, admittedly, you will get the chuckleheads who will deliberately name their character Phil at creation and make their last name McCracken, but hey, you can always report those same as always. Add a little biography window that can have a tab in the inspect window, and you'd go a long way to making WoW a much more friendly place for RP and general character customization. " .



"Okay, so technically Waaagh! is a Warhammer Online blog, but we'll forgive Syp this time, if only because S/he writes a pretty good article about choosing your character's name. The first part of it is, to me at least, good common sense. Don't choose a name you'll regret or a name that looks overly bad to other people. Naming after real life celebrities can get a bit tired. Naming your character ""something naughty"" is probably just going to make most people think you haven't cleared puberty yet. And yeah, it might be funny to call your character Rickroll NOW, but when Rickrolling is the next ""All Your Base"", everyone on the internet is going to point and laugh at you for being old and busted. The second part has some excellent ways to comb for new names, some of which many veterans already know, but it's a good compilation, and gave me a few ideas for my next name search. I can confirm to anyone who doubts it that Syp's Rule of Three really is true. I have known only 1 or 2 people who have been able to avoid having their name reduced to a 3 or 4 letter nickname that is used almost constantly in place of the whole thing. wow eu You can't avoid it, so sometimes it's not that bad to go with the flow and plan your name around it. Same thing with the similar names across characters thing. It works pretty well, if you like the idea, but woe to you if you accidentally take someone's naming scheme and join their guild or group of friends! If you're having trouble thinking of a new name, or plan to roll a character at some point in the future, give the article a read. It's pretty keen.
" "to raise the game level of a character in the shortest time, known in gaming parlance as ""leveling"", online hawkers are charging up to US$360. wow euro These vendors will log into your account and play the game for you. Indeed, the industry is so lucrative that China-based sweatshops and established companies, such as Miami-based Internet Gaming Entertainment (IGE), have been set up just to 'farm'. The word is used to describe the activity of playing the game to acquire as much gold or items as possible for resale. Selling skills and weapons online, however, is frowned upon and banned by Blizzard Entertainment, the games developer of World of Warcraft. It has threatened to take legal action against individuals 'who engage in this inappropriate activity'. wow power leveling World of Warcraft was launched late November 2004. Since March of 2005, the company has removed more than 800 players suspected of farming from its servers. Nonetheless, World Cyber Games organizers Herman Ng can understand where the allure of buying gold lies. ""MMORPGs have very immersive environments. So whatever you possess in that world, your friends can see it. wow powerleveling To obtain a rare item or to be an advanced player gives you bragging rights in a way,"" said the 27-year-old. Others, however, feel adding real money into the equation taints the value of the play and destroys the enjoyment of the game. Audio engineer Willy Goh, 28, said: ""I would never buy World of Warcraft Gold because the fun is in the journey. The sense of achievement is in finally killing that ultra-big monster, not in amassing items or cheap gold."" IT writer Chan Chi-Loong, 29, agrees. ""Some people might feel that their time is precious, so to get the maximum enjoyment from the game, they pay for a short cut to the process,"" he said.
wow power level ""But if you get to the advanced level too easily, it loses its value. In that sense, I prefer to just enjoy the game for what it is."" " .



"Rogue Now as for rogues what really matters against a rogue is the opening and the health difference. That's really it. wow eu They're just like you so you do the cheapshot move and make sure they are slowed down. If they vanish you should use a bomb or dynamite, but you usually just see them anyway. Also the skill matters Arathi Basin Now there are two good tactics used for AB either defensive or Aggressive/Offensive Defensive is when you just run straight to one of the less populated bases like gold mine or lumber mill , capture the base and stealth and wait there till someone comes. wow euro Now it takes around 10 seconds for capturing the flag so if the opponent is alone and does not use some aoe or put a trap on then you should wait a few seconds and then attack them when they least expect and try to kill them before they have a chance of running away or fearing or using any stun or impairing effects on you. Now this varies with each class. wow power leveling Now if there is two people then well your work is double now you could either shout for help and wait till they try to capture and slow them down somehow or you can just try your best at taking them (best if you still ask for help) so to do this you should sap the one trying to capture (if not both are) and just try to get the other one real fast before the sap is out and if it runs out too early then just kill the one your on and vanish out of their aoe range and wait till you heal. Hunter Attributes(by this time usually someone comes for help and if not then continue as if there was only one person) Aggressive or Offensive is when you just go on as everyone else does but always remember that it’s best if you let other take the baits and traps and attack later on.
(unless if you can take them or are alone) and also try not to be lost and alone and I don’t advise going and capturing bases all alone and just leaving them for another one. Some general tips are using your racial abilities at anytime you can see fit. wow powerleveling use evasion whenever there is more than one person or if they’re too strong and use vanish or potions when your are going to die soon. Also one thing that I find annoying is that when the two groups usually charge in numbers some people just retreat backwards towards safety (no offence but mostly alliance do that). wow power level so well don’t follow those people cause you will face unfair odds. also never leave a base unguarded unless you really have two or don’t need it. (5-0 or maybe even 4-1) because as it shows in the defensive section a base guarded with a rogue is a lucky base. Warsong Gulch now there are three main things you can do in WSG: Flag defender you could just stay back at the flag and defend it from being taken by the other faction. but usualy this gets REALLY boring at times so not many people stick to it for long Flag capturer in this part you just try to get to the flag. you can try to stealth there if theres too many people and just take the flag fast and run away, or you can fight everyone there and then capture it. (this depends on your ability).for this part try to have the defilers or arathi talismon since its good for stopping damage.also have some swiftness potion if you can Farmer this is for people who just love killing. you just go and fight anyone you see whereever the action is hottest. dont try to take on too many people on your own though.
one thing i want to advise is that if you have a chance of taking the flag do so.cause capturing a flag gives much more honor then farming in the long run" .



"Druid Now they are really tricky because of their shape shifting and healing. If they get you first just try to keep them close and stunned as much as you can. wow eu When in stealth cheapshot and the same old drift. Make sure they don’t heal or regrowth and if they do then a kick or gouge is in place. Now since regrowth is instant then you should just hit them extra hard and kill them faster. wow euro If you see them go back in normal form then stun them. Also they can get out of your crippling if they shape shift so don't let them get too far from you. wow power leveling Shaman shamans are almost exactly like druids just when you’re going to open on them make sure there are no earthbind totems on and if there are any of those or fire totems then you will have to get to the shaman real fast. If you don’t then well they are not the hardest. Once I fought a shaman who put three totems down(earthbind,mana,fire)and he just healed himself and since I never got to him he beat me embarrassingly. wow powerleveling Now I resurrected and took him very easily after but what makes this lesson important is that you should always try to hit their totems. Also there is the poison cleansing totem which many shamans don't really use. wow power level But if they do then destroy it as fast as you can. Warrior They usually are not too hard to handle unless their health is extra high. A warrior with 200 health more then you and no rage is easy to take if you're good enough. if they get a charge on you then you should just keep running around them and keep doing your sinister strikes and gouges and if lucky backstabs and evis and again till they die.
When in stealth you should cheapshot technique once more but try to backstab them even more because their armor does not do as good from behind. " .



"Warlock Ok many people say warlocks are the hardest to deal with but all it takes to take a warlock is having will of forsaken or some anti-fear trinket. If they catch you out of stealth you should hit them till they try to fear, then gouge or kick if you get time and if not then wait 1 second then use your trinket or will of forsaken. wow eu Now here is when being an undead is good since after you use will of forsaken it stays on you for 5 more seconds and stops the warlocks next fear. When in stealth you should just either ambush and backstab them and then keep spamming sinister strike and evis till they die or you could also do the cheapshot technique. If they don’t die after all this then you should just hit them and not let them fear you. wow euro They can only fear you three times without you resisting it and each time it gets shorter Priest Almost the same as warlock but since their fear is one-time only then you should just focus on damage and if they fear then anti-fear and get back at them. Dont let them heal and gouge them extra hard. wow power leveling To open you should just ambush and backstab if you can and deal you normal damage or if you can’t and need to stop them from moving you could also sap them. wow powerleveling Cheapshot technique is another thing you could do. Paladin This is one of the most annoying classes to deal with because of their bubble and their full-healing spell. wow power level What I advise is to open on them with the cheapshot technique. but now if they bubble you should just deselect them run away go back in stealth and do the first thing all over you could use a bandage while their in bubble if you have time.



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